
Registration Fee is $250 for middle school sports (grades 6-8) and $350 for high school sports (grades 9-12).

Early Bird registration discount is available through July 31st!

Due to high demand, tryouts were held for three high school teams in early June. Tryouts for Middle School will be held in July. See the Tyler HEAT Facebook page for more information about tryouts, registration, and skill-building opportunities.

HEAT Volleyball 2022 - Pre-Season Parent Meeting Information

Costs Include:

  • HEAT Fees - helps with gym rental, uniforms, tournament fees, equipment, etc.
  • Use of Uniform (This includes one pair of black shorts for the career at HEAT.)

What do you need to supply?

  • Black kneepads
  • Personal Indoor Volleyball (with your name on it.)
  • Tennis Shoes that don’t leave black marks on the floor
  • Great Attitude

HEAT Rules of Conduct for players:

We want to honor the Lord in all circumstances.

  1. Good sportsmanship is required from all of our players at all times. Disrespect in any manner toward coaches, officials, other players, or even those in the stands will not be tolerated, regardless of how they act toward you.
  2. Illegal use of drugs or alcohol is completely prohibited on and off the court.
  3. Just because you may be on the bench doesn’t mean you are not playing...encourage the on-court players and be ready to come on the court at any minute.
  4. Be coachable. Remember your coaches are there to help you become better.
  5. Have fun! We want you to enjoy this season and make great memories!


If you or your daughter are having frustrations or problems of any kind it is very important that your daughter speaks to her coach as soon as possible within our guidelines. Learning to deal with authority figures is one of the supreme benefits of participation in organized sports.  If after, speaking to the coach, your daughter does not feel like the problem has been resolved, then you as parents may contact your daughter’s coach. You may contact us either by email or by phone. It will be determined at that time, if a meeting is needed to discuss the matter or if it can be discussed by email or over the phone. If after discussing matters with your daughter’s coach, you do not think things are better, then you should contact the head coach.  If the matter is still not resolved, a meeting then can be set up with the HEAT’s AD or President of the board.

Please avoid jumping to conclusions. The coaches are human too. Usually, if they have said something awry or incorrectly the Lord is probably already dealing with hearts and they usually make it right before the next practice.

Playing times are usually the product of many factors and just know high school is very competitive and no player is guaranteed playing time.

As a final note, parents or players may not approach the coaches before, during, or after practices or matches about an issue unless a meeting has been scheduled. If the matter is related to a specific incident, match, or event, then the parents and athletes must wait until 24 hours after the specific incident, match, or event before contacting the coach to schedule a meeting.

Parents - All parents are required to help in games in some fashion - hopefully not at every game.  We will have assigned jobs sent out by a coordinator  i.e. Prep for Game Crew, Gate keeping, Concessions, Score Keeping, Stats, Loading data into MaxPreps after every game, Cleaning the after gym crew, and Tournament Day Crew including baking crew.  We will NOT overwhelm you - we have a job for everyone.  This is a chance to learn volleyball and help the team succeed with a group effort.  It will be fun and not overload any one person.  If you want a specific job - see me afterwards and I will hook you up!  Please don't bow out last minute if possible - we need you!

Team Snap

Each parent or player is highly encouraged to download the App - Team Snap.  This is the primary way that coaches will communicate with the players.  We really don't like players texting coaches. Plus, this is a way that players can communicate and others will get the information faster if the coaches are busy. Not to mention if a game is moved at last minute - the coaches will send out communication via Team Snap.  (Which has happened more than once.)

Apple or Google Play


We require ALL players to be at every practice. If they are running late or miss it causes the entire team to fail. Please keep in touch with the coach if something happens.  Missing or being tardy to any practice or game without notice will cause the player to be possibly benched.

 Picking Up Your Player from Practice

The coaching staff will never leave a player alone  – we will wait until somebody picks her up. Because of this, we appreciate in advance your consideration for being prompt in picking up your daughters. If for some unusual reason, players are not getting picked up in a timely fashion, they will not be allowed to play in the games.

Practice Rules

  1. Be on time! Come early to be ready for the start of practice.
  2. No Gum & No Jewelry.
  3. Players will be responsible for signing in on the attendance sheet.
  4. Practice Uniform – T-shirt and modest shorts. Basketball style and Soccer shorts are perfect. Regular Volleyball Spandex Shorts are not acceptable for HEAT.
  5. Practices are closed to parent involvement. Please refrain from “sideline” coaching and any verbal communication with players until the practice has ended. Coaches need to have full attention from all players at all times.

Is playing time guaranteed?

Middle School - YES  High School - NO

Players on all teams will be allotted playing time according to the discretion of their coaches.

Factors that will be considered are the level of competition, the ability of the athlete, the need of the team, and the importance of the match or tournament.  Since we are “playing to win" - an individual’s court time may be limited.

Other factors to be considered are:  Does the player come to all the practices and arrive on time?  No-call/no‐shows to practice and games are taken very seriously.  If the athlete needs to miss a scheduled practice or game, the expectation is to notify the coach as quickly as possible after determining that the athlete will miss.  No‐call/no‐show and unexcused absences can affect the playing time of an athlete. In practice, coaches will try and keep playing time in all drills and game‐like situations equal.  If you are a no=show to a game without prior written notice, the coach has the right to bench you from future games.


During a game:

  • Volleyball officials are off-limits for parents. Refrain from yelling at the referees – before, during, and after the match – no matter what the perceived error or injustice. We must learn to perform under adversity and not waste emotion or effort on things, not within their control.
  • The team captain(s) will be the only player who will talk to officials and only at such times and in such a manner as directed by the coach.
  • Respect the officials and their decisions at all times.



HEAT's Volleyball Team Focus:

Playing with a culture of JOY!

Jesus, Others, Yourself